The Amazing Team Behind Klang’s Office!

Wed May 22 2024

We take pride in our office, nestled right in the heart of Kreuzberg, Berlin. But it wouldn’t be anything if it wasn’t for our amazing office team! Norma, Alina, Mike, and Christian make up the backbone of our office, ensuring that it is a great environment and that everything runs smoothly. Let’s take a deeper look at what each of them does and why they enjoy working at Klang.


Norma, who was born in Berlin (yes, real Berliners actually do exist,) is the Office Manager here at Klang. While she works very closely with Alina (our Office Coordinator,) Norma’s work revolves around large office projects, Klang events, and benefits. “I love that my role has a little of everything in it,” says Norma. “I’m never doing one task over and over, which keeps me on my toes!” This being said, Norma explains how the overall creative culture makes working at Klang special. “I always feel welcome to experiment and try out new things,” she adds. “I love working in an environment that believes in me and supports me in exploring how to do my job best.”


As our Office Coordinator, Alina is in charge of all things office-related, from stocking the many delicious drinks we have to ensure that the office atmosphere is on point (a very important thing indeed!) One of her favorite parts of working as an Office Coordinator is how social it is. “I love that I’m not just sitting behind a computer typing all day,” Alina explains. “I’m grateful that it’s a part of my job to socialize and connect with everyone at the office.” And it’s the people that Alina says make Klang unique. “There are so many different cultures represented on our team! I think that this adds a lot of character to our work environment.”


Mike started working at Klang almost five years ago. At the time he was the sole member of the IT team and he built Klang’s IT system from the ground up! While he used to be responsible for everything tech-related, now he is our IT Manager and his job mainly involves larger IT projects. He says that his favorite part of his job is helping make other people’s lives better. “IT are the first people that new Klangers meet during onboarding,” he explains. “I enjoy giving them a warm welcome and helping them get settled here”. Mike says that what sets Klang apart from other places he’s worked is the fact that everyone is treated equally. “You’re not treated differently depending on your position at Klang. This is one of the things that makes our culture and work community so nice.”


Not only is Chris a super dad, but he is also our IT Administrator Assistant! To put it simply, his job is to make sure that everyone can do their job with ease. In reality, this is anything but simple and ranges from keeping our network running to replacing broken equipment to onboarding and offboarding Klangers. Chris says that his favorite part of his job is the fact that he gets to help so many Klangers. “Plus getting my hands on some of the best gaming tech out there is a bonus!” Christian says that he’s never worked in an environment like Klang’s. “The people are great and the atmosphere is relaxed, which helps alleviate any sort of job-related stress that comes up,” he says. Thank you, Norma, Alina, Mike, and Chris! You make our office shine and we are so grateful to have you with us at Klang.

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