The Purpose Behind Klang (and SEED)

Wed Oct 18 2023

By now, we’ve talked in this blog series about three of Klang’s cultural pillars (adventure, collaboration, and excellence), and today we are tackling another: purpose! While purpose may seem like a generic word that is thrown around to sound important, at Klang it is in fact a very important part of what we do, and also how we do it. Let’s dive into what exactly we mean.

Klang Games is not just your average indie game studio. We are a collective of curious minds, storytellers, engineers, and more, ever exploring the realms of the possible within virtual worlds. And yes, while we are working to create the largest MMO to have ever existed, we also want to make a purposeful game that adds something good to the world. We don’t want Avesta just to be a cool new planet to have fun on, we want it to be a universe that cultivates community and evolves along with the players. Because of this goal, we are constantly asking ourselves questions like “Why are we doing what we’re doing?” and “Why are things the way they are?”. These questions help keep our actions aligned with our purpose, making sure that every code written and every Seedling created is built in a way that supports our overall mission. You can think of our ‘why’ as our north star (in the Tau Ceti solar system) that we constantly look towards to guide our actions. “We are witnessing a migration of all aspects of our lives, including our meaningful social interactions, into the digital realm,” says Oddur Magnusson (CTO at Klang). “At Klang, we are constantly asking ourselves: How can we make sure that we are contributing to this transition in a positive way that fosters meaningful connection and collaboration?” Oddur explains that Klang is cultivating this by creating a game (SEED), in which players have agency over the things they do and make. “Instead of simply consuming content, we are creating a world where players are given the tools to make decisions and craft their own experiences,” he adds. Building a universe like this doesn’t happen overnight, and while short-term gains can be tempting, at Klang our eyes are set firmly on the horizon! We’re building a persistent large-scale MMO, which means that we must focus on long-term solutions instead of instant gratification. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. “The greater purpose behind Klang and SEED makes it easier to put in that extra hour”, explains Isabelle Henriques (Co-CEO at Klang). “This is because we’re not just another company making another game. We have a bigger objective of wanting to help people build meaning together, which helps us stay motivated even if we still have a long road ahead of us.” As we say on our About Page, Klang is dedicated to exploring the future of humanity. Through engaging media like The Life Cycle Podcast and SEED, we are examining what it means to be human together. If this resonates with you (and here comes our shameless plug yet again), check out our Careers Page to check out our open positions!

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