Who’s This Klanger? An Interview with Ola Chwilczynska

Fri Oct 18 2024

How did you find your way to Klang?

I was in the process of moving from Australia back to Poland (where I am originally from) and I saw an ad for the position at Klang. I was immediately drawn to Klang, mainly because it looked really creative and interesting. I was also drawn to the community aspect of SEED. Once I applied I realized that I really liked the people as well. Even though I didn’t have a gaming background I found a lot of common ground with other Klangers. 

What is your favorite part of working as a Producer?

I love being able to connect people and engage with various aspects of the project. While I primarily work with the Art Team, I also collaborate with the Feature Teams, Publishing Team, Tech Team, and others. In Producing, my role isn’t to do the work myself but to facilitate the efforts of others, which I really enjoy. Plus, every day brings something new, which keeps the job dynamic.

What excites you most about SEED?

I’m particularly drawn to the community-building aspect of SEED because I see its potential not only to connect people but also to empower them to create communities and environments on their own terms. It fosters collaboration towards something truly unique, blending a sense of community with a structure that resembles governance, though it doesn’t have to be defined that way. This reimagining of community structures is fascinating to me.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to make ceramics in my free time. I’ve been doing it for about seven years, and I really enjoy the way it demands my full attention. While I might listen to music or a podcast, there’s no checking my phone or looking at other screens; it truly requires focus. This is my way of stepping away from the computer.

What do you love about Berlin? 

I love that there’s always something new to do or see in the city. The art scene in Berlin is also really awesome. Drawing from my art history background, I make it a point to visit several galleries and museums whenever I’m in town for work. You can really find it all, from traditional and classic pieces to more avant-garde and underground art, as well as everything in between. I really enjoy that variety.

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